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My Heritage


Raised by immigrant parents I have witnessed the struggles and hardships my family has gone through, from navigating the culture to navigating the legal system. My parents have overcome great obstacles and feats just for the sake of a better life. 

They left their families and friends behind, arriving to a new country with nothing but the clothes in their suitcases and hope flowing through their bodies. My parents have showered me with love, care, and security in a land where they never received any. For that, I will always remain inspired by their strength and indebted for their sacrifices.

Food has been one of the most important connections to my Indian roots. The smell of the aromatic spices and the warm feeling of eating with my hands has brought me comfort and reassurance when I'm thousands of miles away from home.  

I'm here to help share my culture and spread the beautiful heritage of India through food.

Various Indian Spices
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